Sunday, December 11, 2005

being a Chinese

Do you feel proud of being a Chinese? Last night, Mr. Peck saw me and Camillia stood outside of the classroom. He walked toward us and had a small talk. Actually we were eating something and waiting the school bell alarm. And he asked what kind of course we have later? Camillia said reading class. Then he stared asking some questions about our reading course. He asked how do our teacher teach us? Which way our teacher tought and what kind of technique should we learned in this lecture? We told him the skimming and scanning were the basic skills we learned in the reading class. Then he told us his doubt. He wondered if the same skills we learned in the Chinese reading? We said pretty much like that. And he wanted us to say something more about it. At the very begining I didn't know why he ask these questions, then I realized that he is learning Chinese now. So he has a learning problem in Chinese and just like the puzzle we have in English. All of a sudden, I am so proud of being a Chinese. I feel honor of being a Chinese is because of its language; every single Chinese word has its own meaning. I thought Chinese is the most difficult language to learn in the world. That's why I am very glad that I am a Chinese native speaker.


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