Sunday, October 02, 2005

state of fear

In this summmer vacation, I read one book and I want to recommend it for you. It is a science fiction novel about global warming-State of Fear byMichael Crichton. We all know the temperature is getting higher and higher for the past few years. And we take it as a fact to believe but after I read this book, I start to wonder maybe the truth we believe all the time is not like what we thought. Because the author provides an opposite idea to describe and question what the scientistics said about this current phenomenon. And the most attraction plot is some people would be murdered while they were trying to expose the fraud of enviromental groups. After I read it, I can't help thinking that maybe some of the "groups" they try to cover the beautiful mark as their name, but they do some dirty things under the table. And that is author trying to remind us: Politicized Science is Dangerous.


At 1:48 AM , Blogger Chung Hui Ju said...

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